//在这里你可以看到一些关于游戏、娱乐相关的项目、研究成果以及其他零碎的内容。 Welcome to visit this website !! Here you can find some of my projects, research findings, and other bits and pieces.

{" _game design _游戏设计师 _playful thinking _趣味性思维 _fun hunter _多巴胺猎手 "}



你好,我是弓先生,中国传媒大学的一名游戏设计教授。 Hi, I'm Gong, a game design professor at Communication University of China (CUC).



...这里可以浏览我主导以及参与的项目。Here you can browse the projects that I have led and participated.

...I have been teaching game-related courses over 12years,it feels like...

…have done some things,but non of them really live up to my expectations.I’m posting them here so you all can point out what’s wrong and give me some advice.Some of them also done to make my teaching easier.Now I don’t have to lug around my PPT everytime I teach.Pull up this site and share…truth be told, kind of lazybones


<Academic Blog>

...这里是我、我的伙伴、我的学生的学术博客,发一些零七八碎的研究,希望你会感兴趣。This is the academic blog of myself, my partners, and my students. We post some bits and pieces of our research here, hopefully you'll find them interesting.

{" _game design _game design "}

{" _playful thinking _playful thinking "}

{" _fun hunter _fun hunter "}



...最好不要轻易联系我。It's better not to contact me casually...